アルガルヴェのオリーブオイル(マカニルハ) / ババグーリ Algarve Olive Oil (Maçanilha) / Babaghuri

Maçanilhaは この地方原産の珍しい品種で ほんのり辛みのある果実味豊かな味わいです
オリーブの実は毎年10月中旬頃 手摘みにより よく熟したものを選んで収穫した後
できるだけ早いうちに石臼で挽いて搾油しています これはオリーブの旨みを
そのまま生かすとされる ローマ時代から伝わる伝統的な技法です
収穫からボトル詰めまで 全ての工程を農園の敷地内で行うため
2015年のThe New York International Olive Oil Competitionで金賞を獲得しました
Algarve Olive Oil is made on a farm in the Algarve region of southern Portugal.
Maçanilha is a rare variety of olive native to the region and has a slightly spicy, fruity taste.
The ripe olives are hand-picked around mid-October every year
and ground with a millstone to extract the oil.
This traditional Roman-era practice, ensures that the flavor of the olives is well preserved.
The oil is not labeled as organic as it has not received the special certification necessary.
However, the entire process from harvesting to bottling is conducted on the plantation and
is scrupulously managed to ensure that no chemicals have been used
and quality has been maintained.
Algarve Olive Oil won the gold medal at the New York International Olive Oil Competition in 2015.

245ml 245ml

